The VDSL-MUX provides unprecedented speed for network expansion
in a campus environment. With the VDSL-MUX installed at each end of an
unconditioned 2-wire line, you have instant access to multiple digital services
such as LAN internetworking, PBX extensions and video conferencing
simultaneously. The unit may also be utilized as a long haul Limited Distance
Modem for point to point networking.

The DME transmits and receives data
bi-directionally at data rates up to 64kbps over dedicated four wires. The unit
is designed for synchronous Point-to-Point or Multi-point operation, has a DCE/DTE
selectable RS-232 interface and an integral 8 bit buffer.

The Asynchronous Line Driver (ALD-19.2) utilizes state of the art
digital CMOS technology to provide a feature filled product at a very affordable
price. The ALD-19.2 transmits and receives data bi-directional at data rates up
to 19.2kbps. The unit is designed for asynchronous Point-to-Point operation.

The CE-232 is a point-to-point device that allows the user to
locate a DCE and DTE device up to 5000 feet apart while utilizing eight RS-232
control signals.