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Monitor your Information System (IS)

With LoriotPro, you possess a tool with the power of a control tower for monitoring your computing resources that guarantees availability and performance to your users.

Your computing resources, data and applications, servers, workstations, switches and network routers all constitute your IS's infrastructure and can be supervised thanks to the management protocol SNMP, the Internet standard. LoriotPro takes advantage of this protocol in its smallest details to help you be effective and accurate in your daily supervising tasks. LoriotPro does not stop there; it extends its control by using various protocols such as ICMP and HTTP for WEB server monitoring, for example. Monitoring is made possible thanks to an optimized use of the Windows graphical interface as well as Internet browsers. The direct display of your computing resources and of their performance status in the form of color-coded icons and alert messages draws your attention to any fault situations.

Among the possible display modes are:

bulletTopological display in geographical maps or state diagrams
bulletHierarchical tree display organized entirely by you
bulletFiltered display of your most sensitive and critical resources
bulletFiltering and display in a list form of events informing you of changes in state

Administer Your Resources

Monitoring without administration cannot guarantee the responsiveness you need to maintain a system in production mode.

LoriotPro facilitates this task by enabling the administrator to act on the changeable parts of the resources he handles. Most hardware is configured and maintained either by direct access or by remote access in Telnet and WEB modes. However, many configuration changes can be made directly using SNMP and its SET command.


This possibility, which at first glance seems to bring no added value with respect to standard configuration methods, takes on a whole new dimension in LoriotPro. LoriotPro's Script functions let you chain requests and thus automate many repetitive and tedious tasks. You can, for example, send multiple successive SNMP requests to a switch and retrieve a list of all active ports, gather a list of devices running the same Operating System or version, etc.

Organize the Representation of Your Resources

The complexity of an Information System and/or network administrator's work is directly related to the number of resources he has to maintain. Furthermore, in the past few years intentional failures (hackers and human error) have been added to the hardware and software failures that administrators must deal with. Given the number of possible flags or indicators to monitor, the administrator must have an optimized graphical interface in which the organization and display of resources are shown in a comprehensive overview. LoriotPro has a hierarchical tree display for all your resources.

This directory, completely under your control, allows you to file all your computing resources using a logical organization that is the best one adapted to your activities and your internal organization. It also allows you to delegate the monitoring of part of your resources to third parties without revealing your entire information system and your tree organization.
This tree is your workspace for configuring your resources. If you decide, for example, to set up a particular monitoring flag such as the volume of exchanges of a network interface on one of your servers, it is in the tree on the server to be monitored that you assign a task responsible for that monitoring. Seconds after you set up the flag, you can display it in a graphic.

Finding a particular resource object, a workstation for example, among hundreds of workstations that make up your information system could quickly become a difficult task. With a multi-criteria search engine LoriotPro pinpoints and moves you to the object in the directory you wanted to find. Criteria can be technical (the IP address of the host) but also organizational (the room and plug number where

Routers receive special treatment in LoriotPro. Because of their function as nodes, they are generally treated as critical resources. A dedicated tree is reserved for them so you can quickly and easily identify all faults that affect them. Furthermore, the number of flags available for routers and that LoriotPro can handle puts routers at the head of the list of entities to monitor and manage. LoriotPro will help you efficiently take advantage of the many statistics about the state of the traffic in your IS, statistics that most routers provide through the many objects of their Management Information Base (MIB).

Discover Your Infrastructure

The primary function of the LoriotPro software is to build a directory of your information system's resources. Gathering data about your system is automated by means of a sophisticated discovery process with many options for setting parameters that give the administrator a wide scope of action. Discovery is based on IP protocols such as SNMP and ICMP that provide an exhaustive enhancement of your directory. This discovery can be launched from any node in your network, either local or remote, and it extends in a concentric fashion from the node where it is launched. The process can run in the background and notify you in this way of any new resource that appears in your system.

Archive your Data and Analyze Trends

LoriotPro interfaces with databases. The many data that you collect, events, traffic volume, and operation statuses can thus be stored inside a database for later processing. This storing capacity for which the only limit is your database's capacity allows you to analyze your flags or indicators over the mid and long term (trends).

Don't Drown in Alarms

Managing alarms quickly becomes a nightmare when they invade your administration console. You can often miss a critical alarm that is buried under less important ones or even false alarms. To help you avoid missing critical alarms because less important ones distract your attention, LoriotPro possesses a conditional display system. Filtering alarms by order of importance as well as actions to be triggered are entirely configurable. You can apply one or more of a variety of actions, such as sending an e-mail message, sounding a beep, launching a program, etc.

Create and Edit Your Reports

Report creation in WEB format is directly accessible for any SNMP request. Many pre-formatted reports are accessible from the WEB server provided by LoriotPro. These allow you to create reports quickly on the status of your information system's resources using your favorite Internet browser.



Manage remotly

LoriotPro runs in a Microsoft Windows environment. It is, however, possible to have a remote console composed of a standard Internet browser allowing you to display your directory and your graphic display adaptors, to consult alarms or query your database. This operating mode is native to LoriotPro and does not require setting up a dedicated WEB server.

Make the Most of the Toolbox

LoriotPro is also a fantastic toolbox that administrators as well as developers can use in their daily tasks. Among the abundance of this product's offerings, many tools for handling Management Information Bases (MIBs) greatly facilitate setting up and customizing administrative tasks. Some examples are Common and Advanced Query for creating requests about MIB objects, direct access to objects by means of the MIB tree, the MIB compiler, the MIB Scripter for automating your requests about objects, etc.

Among LoriotPro tools, there is one that many administrators will appreciate. What could be more difficult than discovering the capability of hardware or a system to respond to questions about status? In technical terms, how can you know which MIB objects are implemented in an SNMP object? LoriotPro's SNMP Walker discovers them for you automatically. Note that there is an IP address scanner based on ICMP or SNMP capable of sweeping a zone of your network and discovering active elements.

Create Your Own Tools

LoriotPro is modular. These modules, called plug-ins, can be added to LoriotPro for carrying out specific tasks. Many plug-ins are provided as examples: a WEB service monitor, a collector of NetBIOS resources, an e-mail message an e-mail message scheduler based on alarms, a Cisco?Netflow data collector, a TCP port-listening supervisor, etc.

The source code for all these programs is provided so that you can develop your own plug-ins. A Wizard written with Visual C 6.0 from Microsoft? facilitates the task by creating the skeletal structure of your applications.

LoriotPro Technical Specifications

Required Configuration Processor: Intel Pentium III or greater
256 MB of memory
4 GB hard disk
Operating System Microsoft Windows 98, NT workstation, 2000.
Internet browsers supported for consoles Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5

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Last modified: 09/13/13