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Router Delay Simulator (RDS) 

For testing network transmission delays. The Router Delay Simulator (RDS) allows Router-to-Router connections at data rates up to 2.048Mbps while simulating network delays. The user selectable delays are for both data and control signals and range from 5 milliseconds (mS) to approximately 1250 mS, in 5 mS increments. The RDS allows users to test and pre-configure Routers (with software applications) and other critical DTE equipment for reliable network operation while simulating network delay times.

Router Delay Simulator, External Clock Option (RDS-ECO) 

For testing network transmission delays utilizing an external clock source.
The Router Delay Simulator (RDS-ECO) allows Router-to-Router connections at data rates up to 5Mbps while simulating network delays. The user selectable delays are for both data and control signals and range from 5 milliseconds (mS) to approximately 1250 mS, in 5 mS increments. The RDS-ECO allows users to test and pre-configure Routers (with software applications) and other critical DTE equipment for reliable network operation while simulating network delay times.

Router Delay Simulator, Long Data Delays (RDS-LDD) 

For testing network transmission delays utilizing an external clock source and Long Data Delays. Control Signals are not delayed.
The Router Delay Simulator with long data delays(RDS-LDD) allows DCE to DTE connections at data rates up to 5Mbps while simulating network delays. The user selectable delays are for bi-directional data and range from 10 milliseconds(mS) to approximately 2560 mS, in 10 mS increments. The RDS-LDD allows users to test and pre-configure critical DTE equipment such as Routers (with software applications) along with an attached modem, digital service unit(DSU) or other network access device for reliable network operation while simulating additional network delay times.

DTS, Data Test Set 

The Data Test Set (DTS) provides a means for a technician at a remote site to implement a full external loopback at the terminal port of a DSU or modem and to obtain visual indication of the circuit operation.


This product is a breakout box for both V.35 and X.21 interfaces. The unit is 115/230VAC selectable. This is a high quality test box that was developed by customer demand.

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Last modified: 09/13/13